
Hey Q-Anon!

If Donald Trump was really an outside threat to the deep state he would have been whacked by now. Quit believing in fairy tales. THEY are not afraid of him. Since the dawn of human history the predative among us have never hesitated to use violence to satisfy their thirst for power. Ask JFK. His predecessor, Dwight Eisenhower, in his farewell speech, warned America about the threat of "the military-industrial-complex". If Kennedy had listened more closely we may have been living in a far different world today.

Those child sex rings and Satan worshipers are nothing new. Think "The Franklin Cover-Up". The alleged leader, Lawrence King, sang the national anthem at the 1984 Republican convention. (C-Span) No surprise that Wikipedia called the cover up a well crafted hoax but on February 27, 1999, Judge Warren K. Urbom ordered King to pay $1 million in damages to one victim, Paul Bonacci.

q-anon whitehouse bush pizzagate

Let us not forget the 2016 complaint filed in California by Katie Johnson against Donald Trump and Jeffery Epstein with supporting testimony by Tiffany Doe, an Epstein recruiter. Case 1:16-cv-04642. Now that's a fairy tale. Somebody took out a magic wand, signed a check and "Poof!" the story was gone.

Posted AUG 31, 2020

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