Most of us picture our social hierarchy as being not unlike a Totem Pole. In a Totem Pole hierarchy there are different strata or levels. For example the chain of command in the Military or the various levels in a Corporate structure.
If you are on the uppermost tier of the Totem Pole you have a top down view. Yourself and your peers then all those below you, essentially two groups. In its binary form you see yourself ( the One) and everyone below you (the Zeros).
According to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in an Aristocratic Society you are either a Master or a Slave, a Ruler or the Ruled, a lion or a lamb. Indeed, a primitive but binary view of Human Society.
§ 260
two primary types revealed themselves to me, and a radical distinction was brought to light.
There are master-morality and slave-morality "
§ 258
"The essential thing, however, in a good and healthy aristocracy is that it should...
accept with a good conscience the sacrifice of a legion of individuals, who, for its sake, must be suppressed and reduced to imperfect men, to slaves and instruments." --Nietzsche "Beyond Good and Evil."
The core belief of the Radical Aristocrats is that their greed makes them better than everyone else and entitles them to power. In truth most of them likely have skeletons in their closets. Even a child knows that cheating practically insures you will win.*
Balzac said that "behind every great fortune there is a great crime". Baseball legend, Leo Durocher agreed with Balzac by way of an opposite view, "Nice guys finish last."
To spell out my skepticism of corporate (one) owned news outlets let me start by saying this. When you cannot tell if a news story is true, doubt it. I believe it is far worst to unquestionably believe fake news than it is to not believe real news.
Propaganda is always created with deceptive and nefarious intentions. Hence, propaganda is inherently evil. While to doubt news that may be true can sometimes be dangerous, it is my fervent conviction that believing propaganda is, ultimately, always, ALWAYS, dangerous.
A simple rule is that if you are seeing something in the major media then the Ruling Aristocrats probably want you to see it and if they do not want you to see something you will not.
Without Zeros there is no Binary System. If we want to eliminate the Binary System we can simply unite and go on a national strike. Unified Civil Disobedience worked for Gandhi and Martin Luther King it can work today.
We Americans could always exercise our Second Amendment Rights but I am sure the days when a well armed militia were equal to a well armed government are long gone.
The truth is people today are too complacent. We are kept just comfortable enough and most are unable to see the big picture behind the small screen.
Additionally, I fear that Nietzsche just might be right. The Slave-Morality does dance in step with the Master-Morality.
Posted June 17, 2016
© Carrozza 2016
* I do not mean the multitude of honest and hardworking businessmen and women in the world. The Ones I am referring to are those that by mercenary profiteering have, over time, accrued such wealth and power that they hold sway over world leaders and events and use that power to maturate their dominance.
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